Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ferngully Lodge Camp 2009

The Grade 5 camp is approaching quickly, only 1 week to go.

We will be meeting at School at 9.00am in the classroom and will be departing at 9.30am.

We will be gone all week and will be returning at 3.00pm Friday 16th October.

As we are travelling by bus I must ask that each student brings no more than 1 bag to camp as there will not be enough room otherwise.

They must bring their own sleeping bag, pillow(s), toiletries, towels and clothes.

Please remember that they will need a hat, sunscreen and a water bottle.

We would ask that a packed lunch is to be supplied on the first day as they will be eating this at a playground on the way there.

Any questions don't hesitate to ask and I will get back to them ASAP.


  1. Hi

    Do the children need to bring a sleeping bag?


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes all students are required to bring their own sleeping bag that must be in some sort of casing, this can just be a green bag if the casing is missing.

    We ask that the students are not to bring doonas as they take too much space and it is also fair if everyone has the same sleeping requirements.

    thanks for the question
