An exploration of myself through teaching, learning and involving. Follow my journey as I move from a student teacher to an experienced teacher with a strong will to keep learning.
De Bono's Thinking Hats
As a learner I have experienced quality learning when learning how to scull in rowing. The environment was supportive whilst encouraging me to gain independence in order to develop smooth effortless strokes. KB, my coach used different teaching styles for each rower to ensure the message was easily understandable for all of us. These different teaching styles meant that my learning experience was tailored for a rower who had never tried sculling before. It was this tailoring of the teaching that meant that I was able to quickly learn how to scull but also how not to fall into the water. Therefore quality learning surrounds everyday life and sometimes we don’t even realise it. Metacognition has been used when developing reflective diary entries for Year 12 English where we had to explain our different levels of thinking and development of ideas for essays.
Behaviourism is ‘the theory that human behaviour [and] is determined by conditioning rather than by thoughts or feelings’ (Oxford University, 1997) and is made up of many different components which can be observed within a classroom. Elements of behaviourism are positive and negative reinforcement, punishment, time-out and extinction. As a learner I have been influenced by all these elements directly and indirectly. Behaviourism has shaped the way in which I learn but also my understanding of myself as a learner. Positive reinforcement has been the greatest influence on my learning and was seen when I first began essay writing. Positive reinforcement ‘involves the strengthening [of] a target behaviour – that is, increasing and maintaining the probability that a particular behaviour will be repeated’ (Snowman, Dobozy, Scevak, Bryer, Bartleft, & Biehler, 2009, p. 229). Miss. Jones, Year 7 English teacher, explained that I was doing a great job of writing essays and that she could see the various parts of the essay structure which she had taught. This positive reinforcement reassured me that the essay structure I was using was correct and that I was doing a good job. This pushed and encouraged me to maintain a high level of drive to increase my experience with essay writing. I have found that Extinction is also an element that takes longer to gain experience in but can be used effectively to encourage appropriate behaviour. I have seen extinction used in classrooms where I have been a student but also where I have been teaching science as part of other subjects. Extinction is effective because it ignores the behaviour that is deemed unsuitable whilst maintaining classroom balance. As a learner I learn better through a combination of positive and negative reinforcement than other forms of behaviourism.